Plasma rich in thrombocytes (PRP) to rejuvenate the face

For years, the surgical medicine uses the (PRP) to strengthen textiles, today, is used also in esthetics in order to rejuvenate the face of the patient, who product of the step of the years or of some specific problem, wants to give “light” to a tired face.
THE PLASMA RICH IN THROMBOCYTES, is the blood fraction with major number of thrombocytes, these, in turn, are provided with an important quantity of nutrients and factors of growth that regenerate and revitalize the skin. The end of this treatment is to energize the skin and to nourish it, which stimulates the collagen production type III, elastina and acid hialurónico and the results are: a smooth, young skin and with sheen and after its application, the persons rejoin immediately to the social life without any scar, mark or reddening
The use of this procedure is applied by means of a simple process and without risks, since the blood that is used belongs to the proper patient, avoiding this way, allergic reactions and infections.

The PRP, it is a product that is obtained for centrifugación of the proper blood, that is to say, extracted from the same patient, achieving a concentrated product of thrombocytes, (600.000 to 1.500.000 x mm3), cells that liberate the growth factors. Then this new content injects again the patient into the areas determined by the professional and the process is completed.
This treatment is recommended from 30 years, age in which the skin begins losing its power of regeneration, simply preventive when the aging signs appear in a young skin, or like restorative of an aged ski

Estetica Panama S.A.

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PRP therapy offers a promising solution

PRP therapy offers a promising solution to accelerate healing of tendon injuries and osteoarthritis naturally without subjecting the patient to significant risk. PRP is an emerging treatment in a new health sector known as ”Orthobiologics.” The philosophy is to merge cutting edge technology with the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Blood is made of RBC (Red Blood Cells), WBC (White Blood Cells), Plasma, and Platelets. When in their resting state, platelets look like sea sponges and when activated form branches. Platelets were initially known to be responsible for blood clotting. In the last 20 years we have learned that when activated in the body, platelets release healing proteins called growth factors. There are many growth factors with varying responsibilities, however cumulatively they accelerate tissue and wound healing. Therefore after increasing the baseline concentration of these platelets, we are able to deliver a powerful cocktail of growth factors that can dramatically enhance tissue recovery
PRP is virtually a cocktail of many proteins that collectively stimulate repair and regeneration. However there are some proteins included in PRP that we can now selectively isolate to promote anti-inflammatory effects and pain reduction. Scientists have now developed natural/homeopathic based tools to selectively isolate the cells/growth factors within PRP that meet our needs of customizing the treatment by reducing inflammation and simultaneously stimulating repair.

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face before and after

face before and after

face before and after

face before and after

face before and after

face before and after

face before and after

face before and after

face before and after

face before and after

face before and after

face before and after

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